The Sunday Sanctuary with Rachel Jo Silver

A weekly series that profiles the most fabulous, hard-working, 24/7 hustlers, and how they spend their Sundays.

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I met Rachel when she was in the early stages of launching her baby - Love Stories TV, a video platform for wedding planning and inspiration, and have been in awe of how she’s grown the company ever since. Our mutual friend, the amazing Jessica Janik, aka @theinvisiblebridesmaid, said we needed to meet, and so glad she brought us face to face. There is an affable light in Rachel that you just want to gravitate towards and she has that innate ability of connecting and bringing others together. She is the definition of what I believe in- relationships are EVERYTHING, especially in our business.

If you haven’t heard of Love Stories TV yet, or are in the process of getting married, the site connects couples with the ideas, products and pros they're seeking for their wedding via their wedding videos. In addition to her work with her company, Rachel is a recognized expert on marketing and video strategy and is the co-host of Do You Follow? - a podcast on social media, influencer marketing and internet culture.

Prior to founding Love Stories TV, Rachel led social marketing and content strategy at Birchbox.

Here’s how Rachel spends her Sundays-

Q: What time do you wake up or does the alarm go off ?

A: I don’t set an alarm -- during the week or weekend! I have a toddler who wakes me every morning so I don’t need one ;) 

Q: What is your morning routine (specifically the first 15)

A: Every morning, I wake up to my son repeating “Mama mama mama mama mama” until my husband goes into his room and takes him out of his crib. Then he runs into our room and pulls me out of bed. Best way to wake up. 

Q: What is your Sunday mantra?

A: I love Sundays because I get to spend the whole day with my husband and son.

Q: What’s your go to breakfast/brunch?

A: I make my son breakfast and eat a few bites of whatever he is eating and then usually don’t eat anything until lunch time. Sometimes we walk to a nearby coffee shop and I get a smoothie which we share.  

Q: Do you give yourself any Sunday self-care treatments?

A: My beauty routine is super simple and the same every day: moisturizer, a teeny bit of concealer, and mascara. 

Q: What song is a good representation of your Sunday?

A: These days there is a lot of Elmo and Big Bird playing in our house. 

Q: How has your Sunday routine changed over the years?

A: I don’t even remember what I used to do on Sundays! Work and get a manicure? I am definitely looking forward to heading back to the nail salon after I get my vaccine, but my Sundays are probably much more fun than they used to be. 

Q: Do you exercise?

A: I take a tennis lesson every Sunday. I love it!

Q: Do you like to spend your Sunday alone or with family/friends?

A: I always spend it with my husband and son and usually my parents too. 

Q: Do you use any apps or products for relaxation?

A: I listen to books on tape! Right now listening to the full Harry Potter series for the millionth time.

Q: What is your ideal bedtime?

A: Midnight. 

Q: What are some of your favorite Sunday activities?

A: Tennis, beach, pool, playing with my son. 

Q: How do you prepare for the week ahead?

A: Laundry!

Brittney Levine