Pack Your Bag(s): What I’m Bringing to the Hospital

Pack Your Bags BHL  (1).png

It’s hard to believe that the time has actually come to “pack a bag” or in my case as a professional bag lady, a few bags, for the hospital.  I feel like it’s only been a thing I’ve watched / heard in the movies all my life (9 Months mems circa Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore hellur), and now it’s actually here! 

I again owe these great lists to my best girls, specifically Lauren, who is a mom of three now!  She sent this over and I felt so grateful to have in my hands. A couple call outs that I have heard go a long way below:

**Will update this post with everything we actually used when we’re back in the outside world again :)


I made an extra note by our door to make sure that Ryan didn’t forget our insurance cards, hospital forms and Cord Blood kit.

-Gown: My girls know I love a really comfy night gown, so I ended up getting this one that is stretchy and breathable. There are also two built-in zips on the side that make it easy for breastfeeding.

-Speaker: To create the environment we want in the room

-Snacks: In case of odd hours and the cafeteria being closed, I have some bars, fruit snacks and bone broth that I can warm and sip on if needed.

-Lavender Oils: A few of my friends commented about oils and diffusers and the ones that brought, were so happy they did.

-Gifts for Nurses: I packaged up two Handmade Soap Company kits for the nurses that had body washes, hand creams and lotions in them. I know they help so much and being that one of my best friends is a labor and delivery nurse, and so grateful for all they do to help make your stay more comfortable.


-Shower Flips: If I go to a public gym/class, I bring these any way, but was told a definite to bring to shower.

-Eye Mask/Plilow: I bring my eye mask everywhere, on every trip and with all the lights, etc. I I packaged up two Handmade Soap Company kits for the nurses that had body washes, hand creams and lotions in them. I know they help so much and being that one of my best friends is a labor and delivery nurse, and so grateful for all they do to help make your stay more comfortable.

-Prenatal: Something I would have easily forgotten if not reminded!

-Nursing Tanks/Bras: I was told to soak up everything I could from the nurses about breastfeeding and bring everything I would be using at home to learn / practice with at the possible. Makes the transition a whole lot easier.


-Blanket / Pillow: I’ve been told by a few of my guy friends that the hospital sheets are not that comfortable and Ryan would be much happier with his own blanket and pillow from home. We love this Casper mini pillow for road trips / overnights.

-Champs & Cups: Because hellur !

-Charger with Extra Long Cord: I also brought an extension cord because we’re a cord family and everyone always steals from the other.


I tried to not go overboard here and pack the babies whole closet haha. This was the list that I just followed off of from my girls’ previous hospital visits.

-Car Seat: This is obvious to many moms but we installed the car seat base this past week and Ryan has literally had the actual car seat near the door, so we don’t forget it. The hospital won’t let you go home without it!


One of the biggest pieces of advice I got - Make best friends with the nurses and pack an extra bag with you to take home EVERYTHING you can!  The Mesh undies are vital, Lanolin cream, Dermaplast, Tucks Witch Hazel and the Upside Down Peri Squirt Bottle.

This all seems like A LOT, and probably barely use everything, but would rather be more prepared than not. If I’m missing anything, would love to hear about your experiences!

Brittney Levine