2021: Making YOU your Main Priority

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I am definitely not a huge “resolutions” type person. I’m more about setting small goals along the way, and trying to achieve them throughout the year, versus January 1st hitting, and I need to do a whole lifestyle change. Each year, Ryan and I have sat down and written down these small goals and what we’re looking to achieve, both on a personal level and in our relationship.

But, I’m always a firm believer that you never know where your life can take you - case in point, when we were doing this last year, sipping cocktails in Cambodia, and I definitely noted that “our lives can change tomorrow,” so we can’t be too hard on ourselves if we don’t cross everything off the list. Two months later, COVID was in full effect and our lives truly shifted in so many ways.

With my Ted Talk done, while embarking on 2021, my girls and I were all talking about making it more about you. Not in a complete selfish way, but truly making YOU your main priority. I know one person that has fully taken on meditating or another that is simply trying to stay hydrated all day. One of my favorite things is to acknowledge the three things I’m actually grateful for in my Happy Notes book. Am I writing this down every single day - no. But I’m trying, and with that trying to make time to invest in myself as a priority.

Here are some of the things that have been helping us make ourselves more of a priority this New Year.

1. V8 +Hydrate 

This time of year is the best to get back into the routine of a good workout, and the most efficient way to maximize the work you put in, is simultaneously keeping yourself hydrated.  I am a HUGE water drinker, and to mix it up, I have been loving V8+ Hydrate.  The drink offers superior hydration with an isotonic blend of natural electrolytes from sweet potato and hints of fruit.  Love the taste and the added bubbles effect.

Price: $25.49 for 4 packs of 6 cans

2. Bala Bangles 

I got these 1 lb weights as a Christmas gift and so happy I did.  So sleek and they’re the perfect size to take to go on a trip or to use at home. You can either wear around your ankles or wear around your wrists to get a great workout in. I plan to use them on walks with the baby and to wear while doing laundry- not kidding!  I have also used them during my Megan Roup and Melissa Wood Health workouts. Love that they truly make you feel the burn the next morning. 

Price: $49.99 

3.  Elta Md Sunscreen 

Another aspect of self care, that many of us forget about, is taking care of your skin. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and represents you. It is crucial you wear sunscreen EVERY DAY - whether you're sitting in front of a computer the whole day or laying outside, sunscreen is the number one thing you need in your morning routine.  Elta MD’s UV Clear Broad Spectrum Sunscreen, has become hands down, my favorite!  Not greasy and it doesn’t clog my pores.  Obsessed.  

Price: $36 

4. Alo Yoga Mat

I have collected various yoga mats over the years, but there’s something about a beautiful one that gets you in the mood for your workout or practice.  This one by Alo Yoga is not only sexy, but it’s big, perfectly cushioned, dry-wicking and slip-free, wet or dry. 

Price: $100 

5. Giotto Half Gallon Water Bottle  

A great way to give back to yourself this year is making sure you drink plenty of water. Drinking water is good for many things: keeping you hydrated, healthy, your skin healthy, and also increases calorie burning. A cute trick I like to use to make sure I’m holding myself accountable is to always have a water bottle on hand. I tried the Gallon ones but they were too much, so sticking with these 1/2 gallon ones.

Price: $20.99 

6. Practical Meditation for Beginners: 10 Days to a Happier, Calmer You 

Something I try to work at every day is my mental health. The most important part of self care is making sure you feel good from the inside out. A great way to do this is by meditating. After each session, I instantly feel refreshed and realigned. This book is a great tool to start learning about meditation, and to help you throughout your week. 

Price: $11.59 

7. Portable Blender 

A huge problem I noticed when trying to eat healthy was trying to find smart food choices outside of the house. When you’re home it's easier to eat healthy because you see the ingredients you’re using and you can make the exact food you want to eat. While I love my Hurom juicer, I recently invested in a portable blender. It’s perfect for my smoothies on the go, and will satisfy your food cravings. This blender works by storing your ingredients in the top half until you are ready to blend (less need for containers). Once you are ready to blend and eat, all you have to do is hold down the circle button until your smoothie is at the consistency you like. Really just a simple practical machine! Plus, this one comes in tons of fun colors to accessorize with your outfit-

Price: $49.95 

8. The Happy Notes Book 

Another great way to make yourself feel calmer with less stress is journaling. I am a huge list person- once I get the tasks at hand out of my head, I instantly feel better. My good friend, Lindsay Colameo, started The Happy Notes Book and her journal is such a great asset in setting your intentions forward in a way that feels incredibly therapeutic. This book emphasizes finding the “happy” in your life. It is quite simple; every day you can write down small or big happy moments that you had that day. It gets you to think in a more positive mindset by recognizing the good things that happen, instead of dwelling on the negative. 

Price: $24 

Brittney Levine